Emily Gohl from Recruit4health explains how to prepare yourself for your interview
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
Good preparation is a key part to having a successful interview beginning with knowing the names and job titles of the people interviewing you.
One of the most important things you can do is prepare answers to questions you may potentially get asked... also rehearse them out loud. This will make you feel more confident and prepared when you walk into the interview room.
It is always a good idea to plan the route to your interview to make sure you give a good impression of being punctual. Find out directions as well as information on parking if you are driving or the nearest railway station or bus stop. If due to unforeseen circumstances you know you are going to be late contact the company to inform them of your expected arrival time and let the agency know you have done this. When you arrive ensure you apologise immediately and explain your reasons.
Interview Questions
Interview questions may vary but in essence they are all trying to establish the following:
- Your skills and experience to do the job
- Your enthusiasm and interest for the job
- Whether you will fit in
If you can answer these questions, using real-life examples to illustrate your points, then you should be able to answer most of the questions that arise including the following frequently asked questions.
1. Tell me about yourself?
1. Tell me about yourself?
This question or something similar usually starts every interview. Your answer should be well-rehearsed, confidently delivered and last between 3-5 minutes.
This is your opportunity to sell yourself and your answer doesn't have any boundaries.
Remember they want to hear you speak and gauge just how confident you are. It is your chance to sell yourself!
This is your opportunity to sell yourself and your answer doesn't have any boundaries.
Remember they want to hear you speak and gauge just how confident you are. It is your chance to sell yourself!
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